Warframe’s The Lotus Eaters quest launches in two weeks with Sevagoth Prime – Destructoid
Developer Digital Extremes has announced that The Lotus Eaters prologue quest for Warframe: 1999 and Sevagoth Prime Access will launch in Warframe on August 21, 2024. The new quest is the stepping stone between everything players know and what is yet to come.
The Lotus Eaters is a prologue quest that sets up the narrative for what players will see in Warframe: 1999. The quest was revealed at TennoCon 2024 and will see players meet up with a character they’ve not interacted with for quite some time: The Lotus. In this short quest, you’re heading off to investigate a strange yet familiar sound in Sanctum Anatomica on Deimos. Somehow, this all leads back to Albrecht Entrati, but it’s up to you to uncover the links.
An exciting time to be a Warframe player

Warframe: 1999 is a stylish upcoming expansion for Warframe that will be released in winter 2024. Between now and then, The Lotus Eaters will help players prepare for the expansion, while another unannounced update will also give you something new to work through before heading back in time.
In addition to the new story content, August 21, 2024, will also see the arrival of Sevagoth Prime. You’ll be able to get this fancy new Warframe through Prime Access or by grinding Relics to get the Blueprints required to craft it in your foundry. It’s hard to tell if the community is more excited about Sevagoth Prime or the new story quest because it really feels like Warframe fans are being spoiled.
Those players who dropped off Destiny 2 recently in the wake of Bungie’s layoffs and moved into Warframe have a lot of work ahead of them if they want to access this new quest. While you can pick Sevagoth Prime up no matter how far through the game’s story you are, you must have completed the Whispers in the Wall quest before you can play The Lotus Eaters.
While many MMOs offer players the chance to jump into the latest content from day one without completing every expansion or quest that’s come before, I think Warframe players benefit from having to push through some of the past 11 years’ worth of content before tackling the newest quests.
The story won’t hit half as hard without the context from everything that’s come before. So, if you’re new to Warframe, get ready to play as much as you can for the next couple of weeks so you can potentially enjoy this new quest with the rest of the community. Don’t worry if you can’t because Warframe players are very good about avoiding spoilers.