The Iron Rig – Destructoid
While upgrading the oil rig and helping out the people who’ve found themselves working on it in Dredge: The Iron Rig, you’ll be tasked with getting a canister of contaminant for the Scientist. this strange request can’t be fulfilled unless you know exactly what you’re doing.
If you’ve been upgrading the oil rig for a while and haven’t unlocked as many quests as you’d expect just yet, try speaking to everyone on the oil rig. While I worked through the DLC, I found that you needed to wait for a few days between upgrades to allow people to settle in and set themselves up so they can ask you for favors the next time you appear. To pick this particular quest up from the Scientist, you must have helped him out once already and raised the drill again in The Iron Rig.
How to get a canister of contaminant for the Scientist in Dredge: The Iron Rig

To get a canister of contaminant for the Scientist in Dredge: The Iron Rig, you must first acquire the Siphon Trawler. Before you can even contemplate this, you’ll need to speak to the Engineer in the Factory and help her upgrade her facilities to Tier 2 with another Ironhaven Crate.
To get the Siphon Trawler, you need to provide the Engineer with 1 Ironhaven Crate and 1 Basic Trawl Net. You unlock the Basic Trawl Net after visiting Stellar Basin for the first time, so sail over there and unlock it if you haven’t already. Once you’ve provided these to the Engineer, you can purchase and fit the Siphon Trawler to your boat.

The Siphon Trawler is controlled through your trawler net trigger on the action wheel. You need to lower it into the black contaminant sitting on the water in pools to collect it and suck up enough to get a canister. Sail over to one of the locations in The Marrows or Gale Cliffs where the black ooze has bubbled up and begin working your way through it.
Note that this will cost you some sanity, so be prepared to make a quick stop at the pontoon or a nearby dock for the night. Filling up a canister takes longer than you think, so drop a few crab pots to maximize the time spent in each area.

When you’ve hoovered up enough sludge, you’ll be able to pick up a Dark Canister from your Trawler Net tab. This is what you need to deliver to the Scientist. However, he also wants fish specimens, and you can’t advance his quest any further until you’ve collected what he’s after from Gale Cliffs.