How to complete Metropole Trials in Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact’s summer event includes a series of combat trials set in the fantasy world of Simulanka. Whether you’re trying to beat your high score or just want the event rewards, here’s where to find the Metropole Trials and tips for how to get through every stage.
How to unlock Metropole Trials in Genshin Impact
The domain for Metropole Trials is located on a small island just southeast of Constellation Metropole. You’ll unlock this area of Simulanka while progressing through the Summertide Scales and Tales event quests. Follow the path toward the city, and you’ll see a big blue doorway to the left. You can’t miss it. Talk to Alof, the little toy man, to unlock the domain and begin your trials.
How do Metropole Trials work?
The goal for Metropole Trials is to earn points by defeating enemies. Different enemies are worth different amounts of points, but you should just focus on clearing each wave as quickly as you can. You need a minimum of 5,000 points on each stage to earn all event rewards.
Interact with the domain door and select your difficulty at the bottom of the screen. In general, the Fearless difficulty will get you the most points, as long as you’re able to clear the content. Feel free to select a lower difficulty, but keep in mind that you will earn fewer points per enemy.
When you pick a stage and enter the party setup screen, you’ll need to pick two teams to tackle each half of the trial. Pay attention to the text below your team display, since this details the Valor buffs you’ll receive during combat for each trial. Choose at least six unique characters across both teams to maximize your buffs. You can use the same team twice, if you like, but you won’t get as many buffs.

While in combat, defeat each wave of enemies as they appear. Doing so will earn you points and Valor. After filling your Valor meter, you will briefly gain the buffs you saw on the party setup screen. While these buffs are active, you will gain bonus points for defeated enemies.
Trial 1: Honed Vanguard
The first Metropole Trial, Honed Vanguard, consists of mostly small, light enemies in the first half, followed by some bulky, shielded enemies in the second half. The Valor buffs are centered around Skill damage.
Your team for the first half can consist of whatever you’re comfortable with, as long as you have some crowd control and AoE damage. I recommend Kazuha, Sucrose, or Venti to keep enemies grouped together.
The enemy lineup in the second half favors Geo teams. I saw great success with my Navia team, but you can also try Noelle or Itto paired with Albedo and/or Chiori. The heavy hits from the Geo Claymore users help break shields, while Albedo/Chiori benefit greatly from the Skill damage Valor buffs.
Trial 2: Resolute Foe
The second Metropole Trial is called Resolute Foe. There’s a mix of large and small enemies in the first half, with some scary-looking Lawachurls. The second half features some Ruin machines that are largely resistant to crowd control. The Valor buffs increase Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack damage.
For both halves, you can bring almost any team that has a main DPS, preferably with some AoE damage. This means Neuvillette, Xiao, Wanderer, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Diluc, Childe, and Cyno can all take advantage of the Valor buffs. Pyro is a good element to have in the first half, but Hu Tao and Yoimiya’s lack of AoE can make it difficult to quickly clear waves of smaller enemies.

Trial 3: Device Suppression
The third Metropole Trial, Device Suppression, features a whole host of machines. The first half consists of large, bulky machines, while the second half is a mixed bag of smaller enemies. The Valor buffs increase your teams’ Burst damage and Energy Recharge.
The first half is best tackled with a team that focuses on single-target damage. Many off-fielders (like Xingqiu, Yelan, Xiangling, or Beidou) can take advantage of Valor buffs with their Burst damage. This makes Hu Tao or Yoimiya teams uniquely suited for this challenge, but you can also choose whichever boss-killing team you’re comfortable with.
The second half demands crowd control and AoE damage. I had good results with my Ganyu Freeze team with Venti. Even if you don’t use a Freeze team, I recommend Kazuha, Sucrose, or Venti to help gather enemies together.
Trial 4: Fierce Faceoff
The fourth and last Metropole Trial is, in my opinion, the hardest. Fierce Faceoff contains several enemies who are either tanky or just annoying. The Valor buffs increase Elemental Mastery, especially after triggering a reaction.
The first half of this trial features Shadowy Husks, which punish you for having a shield. There are also Bathysmal Vishaps that drain your Energy and Rifthounds that drain your whole team’s HP. Be sure to bring a strong healer and do your best to group enemies together. Kazuha is best for this.
The second half contains Eremite summoners, who are resistant to damage unless their summon is killed. There are also Kairagi pairs, who regenerate HP if you don’t kill both at the same time. There’s even a Hydro phantasm, which is immune to Hydro damage. I found Venti useful for sweeping the Eremites up before they can summon their familiars. Otherwise, make sure you’re able to kill the Hydro-immune enemies, and bring whatever team you’re comfortable with.

All rewards for Genshin Impact’s Metropole Trials
In total, getting 5,000 points on each stage of Metropole Trials will get you:
- 120 Primogems
- 180 Starsail Coils (used for the event figurine gacha)
- 240,000 Mora
- 3 of each type of Fontaine Talent book
- 12 Hero’s Wits
- 12 Sanctifying Unctions
- 6 Mystic Enhancement Ores